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Meet Our Team


Diane Haupt

Diane Haupt, founder of SPINCLUSION, started the program in January of 2022 to give seniors and the disabled a way to enjoy one of her favorite pastimes, bicycling. She kicked off fundraising in May of 2021 by riding 4,300 miles across the United States on an unsupported journey following the Trans American bicycle trail. She started the journey dipping her bicycle wheel in the Atlantic Ocean in her hometown of Virginia Beach, and ended it at the Pacific Ocean in Astoria, Oregon, stopping at numerous chapters of Cycling Without Age along the way and raising $23,000. Click here to read about her adventure.


Diane retired as a physical therapist of 30 years and owner of Dynamic Health Services at the end of 2020 to allow time to develop and run SPINCLUSION. Previously a competitive triathlete and runner, she continues to enjoy swimming, biking, and running as well as spending time at the beach and paddle boarding. She loves traveling and has an insatiable curiosity about other countries and cultures and has a heart for serving others.


Rosie Randolph

Rosie Randolph joined Spinclusion in June of 2022 after retiring from her job as a chemist. Volunteerism has always been important to her, and Rosie knew she wanted to give back to the community in new ways in retirement. An avid soccer player, her background includes volunteer work running soccer leagues and tournaments. 

In recent years, she witnessed family members transition from independence to assisted living, and recognized a need for our elder generation to connect with others and get outside. After meeting Diane and hearing about the program, she knew she wanted to be a part of Spinclusion.  Since then, she has enjoyed piloting, training, and expanding the program into Norfolk. 

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